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Create Account

Welcome to SmartHub from Nsight

It’s the easy way to create an account.

SmartHub has replaced our previous self-serve eBill system, My Nisight, to view and pay your bill online.

How do I register to use SmartHub?

  1. Go to the SmartHub login page:
  2. Click “Sign up” to access our self-service site link.
  3. Enter your account number, last name or business name, and a valid e-mail address. Click “Submit.”
  4. SmartHub will prompt you to answer the security question you have on file. Select your security question from the drop down and type your answer in the box. If you do not have a second security question on file, you will be prompted to select an additional “Secret Hint Question” to answer.
  5. After clicking “Submit,” a confirmation page will appear, and an e-mail with a temporary password will be sent to your e-mail address.
  6. Sign into SmartHub using your e-mail address and your temporary password. This will prompt you to create a new password.
  7. Once logged in, you will be prompted to enter a security phrase. You will only be prompted to enter a security phrase the first time you log in to SmartHub.

A security passphrase is different than a password. The security phrase is used to verify the authenticity of the SmartHub webscreen when making payments and updating credit card or bank account information.

Signing into your account

SmartHub uses the same username and password that you previously used with eBill. If you did not previously use eBill, you can sign up for SmartHub by clicking here. You will need to enter your account number, last name or business, and email address to register.